Sorry for being gone from the space for a such a long time, simply between place under the sun, my way around and getting used to the local time planning, there is very little space left to spend in front of the PC and blogging about things! Nevertheless, there are so many moments that I would love to tell you all about - just to share some bit of the idea how randomly cool Ghana can be.
I am really falling in LOVE with Ghana on hourly base.
So this past weekend I had the chance to go away for 3 days to Kumasi, a city about 4h north of the capital. The capital of Ashanti tribe in Ghana, where their most respected king lives and also it is the capital of the biggest Ghanaian Kingdom [Note to myself : read more about the Ghana history!]

The drive to Kumasi is very good in comparison with some other roads, that I what I have been told. Nevertheless, after a long week and being stuck in the traffic for couple of hours on the way out of Accra and then finding myself in a car with an angry driver speeding a bit on a dirt roads with holes as deep as up to my knees... it is a situation that requires some prying and booze! hehehe Furthermore, it developed into a night car racing, where the road got very good [really...the past 200km were WAY BETTER done than most roads in Latvia] my driver at some points extended the speed to 150km/h! At that point I had no other chance than trust! And I really do, since the driver has kids and men with more responsibilities drive more carefully, it has been proved with a research!
So anyhow, we got to the hotel around 4am and I didn't have much time/chance to look around the place, yet found lovely continental breakfast in the morning [still no proper coffee, just instant. PLS send me some Merrild coffee!!!] and POOL! And the room had TV and hot shower!!! All you can possibly wish for after 3 weeks squatting at peoples places in various locations! 3 nights of pure peace!

My days weren't particularly very busy - went to see the match between Ghana and Sudan, yet never managed to get into the stadium due to the crowds that were around it! So we gave up 30min after trying and just watched the match from a bar. And we didnt loose much, as the match was super boring, with a result 0:0. I also wondered around the market and bought material for my dress that is yet to be sown this week. [Beg for pictures after October 24th!!!] Oh, and I tried fufu - the typical Asanti food made out of yam and butter, and then placed in some unknown liquid that has various meats in it. Including the bush meat that I tried, but added to my list of things I DO NOT LIKE. :)
Couple of epissodes from Kumasi weekend:
1. Saturday morning at 11am, Ediite in her purple bikini swimming in the pool and about 6 local, young men just sitting around the pool and watching me swim like if I was on a stage. I managed to last that for about 10 mins before I could not take the attention any more and went to back to my room.
2. Saturday afternoon I am supposed to meet a guy whoes name is PRINCE. We agree on a spot and as I am there on time and have no idea how he looks like, I stay there and smile in the sun. So a man walks up to me [just like it often happens in Ghana] and I ask - ''Are you Prince?!'' He smiles and answers 'I could be!'. This is where I understand that it is not the Prince I am looking for... My Prince was smart and called me as he approached me just to make sure I am me and show he is he!
ps. Speaking about princes... It seems that my might not be from the fairy tale - blond, blue - eyed, riding white horse... matter in fact, it looks that everything, including the horse, is black in my tale! :) hehe And I am loving it - not meeting the standards and making my own!

3. One noon we went to have fufu in some very local place, where EVERYONE eats with hands and there are no whites in the crowd. So I am served my food and for about 10mins I just stare at the brown liquid and other people around my table. I just need to observe a bit and learn how each food is consumed... after about 10min of playing around the meat in my plate and not really getting anywhere with it, I gave it to the boys at my table and moved on with the soft bit and strange looking liquid where I would dip my fufu in. At some point the lady from the place did bring me a spoon, but that would not have helped me with the meat issue. Plus I didn't want to stand out too much... so I continued with my local way of eating - RIGHT HAND! :)
ps. After such heavy foods - BLACK BALSAM is your best friend, or in this region - JEGERMAISTER will do the job! Got one small bottle at the gas station! :D
4. Driving back with a happy driver, good music and day time scenery, seeing the green all over the place, crossing the mountains and cracking up the driver by telling things like - pineapple grows in threes! [Pls help me out - for those not having been in the equatorial countries, how many of you know how does a pineapple plant look like?! Without googling it!? ]