
Saturday, 25 September 2010

LonDON, baby!

I am spending my last night in Europe, more precise - London! Gosh, what a week! If every week will be like that, I am sure I will need another holiday after these 6 months! heheh London is amazing. The OPTIONS, the change and adventure you can have!

Ok, appart from all the positive things, it is also very packed, rushed and crowded. A place that makes me tired too fast, yet I could see myself living in a smaller UK town not thus far from London, doing a work that doesnt require getting on to the tube and walking in the crowd.

Apart from me absolutely enjoying LND and time here, there is a stupidity I would like to report. A. Abusing the Free Bar at the company's party on Wednesday lead to some BAD hang over and some bad decisions, never the less also brought some new phone nr to my phone [ wink, wink].
B. Me almost missing the flight to Ghana, since I was convinced that I am leaving from Gatwick, but only today,when I briefly looked at my flight info and saw a thing like - Terminal 5- and locked it in my mind, latter on however thinking that Gatwick doesnt have so many terminals and after checking it out, I am due to leave from Heathrow! Gosh, what an idiot! heheh

Off to Ghana in almost just 12 h!!! Excited, high on life and meeting up with Annie [ my ex-housemate from Hull times] and vine!!! Last night in Europe - shall I sleep at all!?


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