
Monday, 8 November 2010

Crap week, good week!

So yeah, we all have our good days and bad days. The same even apply for good weeks, months and years! There is a healthy balance in the universe, which sometimes we dislike (after all - who likes to be unhappy?), but then the good times are twice as good. Just like a crappy meal when you are hungry - tastes a whole lot better, right? :P

Last week was bit crappy for me. Got a bit ill, had to go to see a Dr and go through the experience of an idiot poking my veins, which resulted in me NOT GIVING the blood test. I also got super bored, since things with AFS are not moving anywhere and job that could have been done and over by now, is still...pending. Started to look for a job and this process isnt the most self-esteem supporting and optimistic, as there are few ads that meet my needs and companies, whose needs I can meet! So adding all that together and topping it up with 2 nights with last minute changes in plans, a home that doesnt feel like home... well, you get the picture! Ediite had her crap week!

And on those days, weeks - we tend to see EVERYTHING in darker colors. I, personally, pick fights for no reason, bitch and comment about things, see the bad rather than the good things. I also complained that I do not have friends here in Ghana yet. You know - those people whom I can call up at these situations and know that they will be by my side and moan with me. And well, we might not have quite reached that stage, but for sure - I have friends that care about me!

Today alone, sitting here on my sofa this morning, I got two phone calls from people in Ghana - just to check on me and wish me a great week! I mean, come on, doesnt that count as a GREAT started of a week!? Doesnt a fact that a friend comes over and cooks you lunch on Sunday, counts as a BEST FRIEND? And after meeting a new couple and the woman inviting you over for her aqua aerobics classes on Thursday for free and after I can enjoy laying around the pool in the sun!? Doesnt that all count as great start of yet another WONDERFUL week!?

So to conclude - this is my attempt and manifesto, that this week is going to be great! We will find the house that is going to be OUR HOME, I will get the job that will make me feel smart, needed and meanful every day and I will have the best time of the week with my loved on! Oh, and I will leave Accra at least twice this week! :)

Whats on your TO DO LIST this week, people?!

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