Last Sunday, as unusual as it might sound, I found myself alone on an island with 2 men, I had gotten to know only few days ago. An Muslim IT engineer, who was fasting and Polish born German anthropologist, who researcher long distance commute in Africa.
There was this one episode, where I am lying in a hammock under a palm three in a deserted place, once a resort, another guy under a palm three few meters further and the third one swimming in the river, under a hot Sunday sun! We called it the pleasure of 'nothingness'. For some two hours, we were listening to the ocean in distance [this is sort an island, between a river and an ocean on each side], swimming in the river and catching the rays of the sun [which turned out to be sticking to all of us more that we had anticipated - I turned in to RED RED by the close of the day, and two days latter am still heeling my skin!].
So the last weekend we headed off to Ada Foah for a weekend away from the city and into a local festival, whilst also enjoying some wild adventures - huts, sands, beach, boats and tro tros! Needless to say, that I no longer take tro tros, thou that does not mean that I cant take them anymore. Thou now I do see why my friends, how live here for some years, think that it is a bad idea. Tro tros can really kill you!
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