It has been a year since people around me started to learn about my desire to move to the unknown continent, a year since I decided to make a turn in my life. A twist.
Today, on my visit back in Latvia, a newly met person, asked me - what is my plan for the next two years, what is my plan after Ghana. And it is interesting, how everyone feels that it is yet another stop over and there shall be life after Ghana too. And fair enough - they ask it, cause I have the history of moving around, doing twists and turns, but I also find it a bit discriminating. Nobody asks my friends, who live in Latvia, are married and work, what is their plan after the next two years. Everyone assumes that it is - this is their life. Thou I dont think that it should be IT, there is a whole life ahead of us to live. And how on Earth can we plan it!?
So what is next? There is no NEXT... this is it - THIS IS MY LIFE I have chosen and created, there is no plan for NEXT, there is life filled with many, many NEXT that need no plan!
Ps. It is beautiful to return to past, to re-read my childhood books, to be restlest at parents' homes, to spend time with childhood friends and walk the old paths, but that is all just to have yet another kick-off before the next NEXT.
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